Ross Benton

Ross is a Director of Safety Solutions Ltd and has two decades in the process industry. He is an experienced Facilitator of Hazard and Risk Reviews, Process Safety Trainer, and specialises in Alarm Management and Functional Safety.

Alarm Management Red Flags

April 6, 2023

With the advent of modern control systems, we have the unlimited capacity to configure alarms. This has resulted in many poor practices leading to..

What elements should be included as SCE

December 6, 2021

The definition of what equipment makes up an SCE can in some situations be subjective. Whether you define SCE as individual pieces of equipment (a..

Are you over cooking your Safety Critical Elements?

December 6, 2021

There is a lot of debate and variation in the process of deciding what should be categorised as an SCE. If you have too many SCE you're at risk of..

Is Alarm Management Software Worth it?

July 10, 2020

I started off my alarm management journey as a Control Systems Engineer being handed a project that had stalled for 5 years and failed to get off the..

What is Competency?

June 23, 2020

A key part in managing the risks at an operating facility is ensuing that personnel are competent in their roles and understand how Process Safety..

Minimising Risk at Operating Plants

May 23, 2020

As the understanding of process safety has increased over the last few decades, countries health and safety legislation has also been updated. There..